Ajit Mishra
1 min readApr 2, 2024


Fifteen Gone: Future to Forty is Still On

Tom, you amaze me every time, with each poem you write, it's as if they narrate the grand tales of life, mirroring the vast poetic heart you carry! Now, with only fifteen years behind us, I thought it fitting to celebrate your poem for our our upcoming forty in advance. And so, these words automatically flow....

Here is to the scars that we've worn,

Time travels, our dreams adorned.

The bittersweet taste of growing older,

The pride in our unity, ever bolder.

Fifteen years have passed,

Let another twenty-five amass.

Then I shall recite Tom's verse,

Of how our greys will intersperse

With a Silvery Shine so grand,

As if painted by a divine hand...

Our poem of life, like a timeless song,

Through the wrinkles, where it all belongs,

Will echo through the ages,

Written on life's endless pages.

As the years weave us tightly,

In our eyes, a future sparkles brightly,

Shows the journey we've embraced,

Every hardship we've faced.

So let the time roll on,

For our bond is never gone.

In the face of changing tides,

Together, our love abides.

And when I recite Tom's Poem then,

With silver threads through our ken,

We'll see how love's enduring light,

Turns even greys to silver bright.



Ajit Mishra

Microsoft Product Leader, Techie, Spiritualist and A Creative Soul